Upcoming Events

Below is a list of upcoming events here at Lakepoint Community Church.

Pizza and Egg Hunt

Sunday, April 13

Children birth-5th grade are invited to join us for pizza and an egg hunt following our 11:00 service.

Donations of individually wrapped candy and plastic eggs are needed. Donations may be placed in the bin located in the foyer by March 30.

Volunteers are needed to stuff eggs on April 1 at 10:00am. We are stuffing early due to spring break being the week before the hunt. We also need volunteers to help the day of the hunt. Contact Madison at madison@lakepoint.cc to help.


Special Women's Events

Bible Study - Philippians Chapter 4

Tuesdays, April 15-29 | 10:00-11:30am

Ladies, join us in the Student Center for a study of Philippians

Chapter 4. There is no cost for a book, we will use our Bibles for this study. Sign up by clicking the link below.

Day of Testimony

Saturday, April 26 | 10:30am-1:30pm

We will meet at the home of Melody Mello and share fellowship, lunch, and personal testimonies. Parking is limited so we will offer a shuttle service from the church beginning at 10:30. If you are willing to share that day, please note when registering. Please sign up by April 20 so we will have an accurate head count for lunch.


Sign Up for Philippians Bible Study Sign Up for Day of Testimony

Good Friday Worship Experience

We invite you to join us as we worship Jehovah-Jireh, our God who Provides. This will be a special night as we reflect on Jesus' death and look forward to the joy of Easter Sunday.

Lighthouse Student Ministry

Graduate Recognition Sunday - May 4

If you have a college or high school graduate, contact Payton at payton@lakepoint.cc if they would like to participate in this special day.

Sunday Mornings  - Sunday morning youth group will meet the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. The students will leave from the service prior to the sermon during our 11:00 am service and meet in the Student Center until the end of the service.


Wednesday Nights - Middle and high school students meet on Wednesday nights from 6:00-8:30 for Bible study, music, and fun in the Student Center.

High School Camp - July 14-19

The high school students will attend CIY Camp at Lee University in Cleveland, TN. The cost is $400 per student.

For more info on CIY High School camp visit the website, ciy.com/move.

Click the box below to register your student.

Middle School Camp - June 23-27

The cost for this camp is $120 per student.

It will take place in Baldwyn, MS.

Click the link for more info on SonShine Christian Camp .

Register for CIY High School Camp Register for Middle School Camp

Youth DNOW Weekend

March 28-30 | Cost $70/Student

DNOW is a weekend long retreat for middle and high schoolers and will take place right here at Lake Oconee. It will be a weekend of fun, fellowship, and incredible opportunities to seek God through worship and His Word. We hope your student will join us! Click the button below to register your student.


Register for DNOW Weekend

Men's Wednesday

Bible Study

All men are invited to the Student Center for Bible study from

8:30-9:30am. Bring your coffee and join us as we dive into the Word.

No sign up is necessary.

Ongoing Events

Wednesday Mornings  - The Women's Ministry invites ladies to a study time for Bible reading, prayer, and meditation in the Student Center Study.  Drop in between 9:00am-12:00pm. Bring your Bible, journal, or choose a devotion book from the bookshelf.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105 

Women's Morning of Prayer - The first Tuesday of each month we invite women to come at 9:30am to the Study in our Student Center for a time of prayer. Bring your Bible, journal, and a heart for prayer.

Vacation Bible School

July 7-10

We invite children entering PreK-4 through completed 5th grade to join us for VBS from 9:00am-12:00pm. Registration should begin in early June.

What's Coming Up

April 20 - Easter Sunday | Services at 9:00am and 11:00am

May 10 - Men's Fish Fry @ Denham Creek

May 4 -Starting Point Class (Get to know Lakepoint)

 Graduate Recognition Sunday

May 11 - Mother's Day | Baby/Child Dedication Sunday

July 7-10 - Vacation Bible School (VBS) from 9:00am-12:00pm

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